
Substandard e is all about connecting people and working as a team to improve student learning. Digital Learning Coaches are in a special position to help connect students and teachers with people outside their classrooms that can enrich their learning. Whether it is as small as getting teachers the technical help they need from IT to helping them connect with content experts, Digital Learning Coaches can be the bridge between them. 

In 2020 I was working with a third-grade teacher on a Social Studies unit on culture. Beyond understanding critical attributes of culture, we wanted the students to identify their personal culture. At the end of the unit, we used FlipGrid as a collaborative tool for students to share about their culture and learn from other students around the United States. This is a great example of substandard e because throughout the unit I was helping the teacher and students connect with others to maximize their learning. In tandem with this unit, the third-graders were learning about Native American history and current PNW tribes. I helped the teacher connect with OSPI experts and the Since Time Immemorial curriculum to supplement her instructional materials. I also joined a global collaboration Facebook group for educators and used the FlipGrid Pal community to seek out classrooms that wanted to participate. We leveraged technology to do what before was impossible – connect with students from around the country to have an authentic conversation about diversity. I hope to continue to expand my online professional learning communities (PLC) so that I can connect teachers and students to transformative learning experiences like the one above. To sum it up, Digital Learning Coaches are able to network, connect, and build relationships in order to connect with the right people for the purpose or goal. 


To read more about my work with this standard, you can use the drop-down menu above or the buttons below to navigate to a specific performance indicator.

Works Cited

ISTE Standards for Coaches (n.d.). Retrieved from: https://www.iste.org/standards/for-coaches
